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Local pediatricians urge parents to get kids vaccinated before school
Florida pediatricians urge childhood vaccinations before school year starts
Pediatricians urge parents in US to catch up on critical vaccines ahead of school year
Local pediatricians urge vaccincations as kids prepare to head back to school
Midstate pediatricians urge parents to arrange appointments to get kids COVID vaccine
Back-to-school checklist: El Paso pediatrician urges parents to make sure immunization ...
Local pediatrician urges parents to hold off on making vaccine appointment
Ohio pediatricians urge parents get vaccinated as COVID-19 cases rise in younger population
Doctors urge kids to catch up on vaccinations before school openings
Local pediatrician prepares for vaccine rollout for kids 5 to 11
Pediatricians urge FDA to approve COVID-19 vaccine for children under 12
Pediatrician urges parents hesitant to vaccinate children to reconsider